7-10/07 Libro Possibile 2021 – 20° Anniversary

Il Libro Possibile restarts from the top of its 20 years of literary experiences, with an important appointment from 7 to 10 July, also doubling dates and locations, expanding in Vieste on 22, 23, 29 and 30 July.
In dark times like those that have just passed, culture can and must bring back the light and make ‘the sky more and more blue’; hence the theme of the twentieth edition.

Over 200 guests will enliven the evenings of two of the most evocative locations in our region. In Polignano, the meetings will be held in: Largo Cristoforo Colombo, Piazza Aldo Moro, Piazza San Benedetto, Terrace of diving. The appointments scheduled at the Libro Possibile Caffè, in Piazza Caduti in via Fani, are dedicated to young readers. Edition that will feature Italian and foreign best-selling authors among the most awarded and loved by the public, as well as top institutional, intellectuals, scientists, entrepreneurs, journalists, celebrities and influencers; in a succession of literary presentations, debates, round tables and unpublished shows.

There will be celebrities from the show, TV and sports champions, with their editorial projects. This is the case of Joe Bastianich, Victoria Cabello, Salvatore Esposito, Roby Facchinetti, Andrea Montovoli, Rocio Munoz Morales, Sonny Olumati, Rosario Pellecchia, Giuliano Sangiorgi, Giovanni Scifoni, Luca Ward, Rudy Zerbi.

The XX edition of the event is supported by the Puglia Region. Institutional partners: Municipality of Polignano a Mare and Municipality of Vieste. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and CNR, National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polytechnic of Bari, University of Bari, Asimov Prize, Aeronautical Technological District. Media partner: ANSA, Sky Tg24, Norba Group, Twitter Live.

The Possible Book will be created in full compliance with current legislation on the containment of the Covid contagion. To participate in the event, online booking is required on the website www.libropossibile.com or at the Libro Possibile Caffè in via Caduti in via Fani in Polignano. The ticket costs 3 euros which, as for the previous edition, will be donated to charity.